Often, the best way to get things done is to do it yourself, but you don't have time. You are surrounded by fires and other challenges that require your attention. The solutions might be right in front of you if you could get to it.
We've been there—we totally get it, it's super frustrating—and we often see it in the leaders we coach and advise. You need a buddy, and that's precisely why we created this offering.
Put your toughest challenge in the hands of qualified experts. Partners who have hands-on experience leading studios, small businesses, and enterprise teams. Bring in a Same Team Partner that you don’t have to hire or go through a sales process.
Our process is designed to be straightforward and hassle-free. We've made it super simple for you to get the support you need.
- Turnkey work produced at the highest standards
- Available in 4, 8, 20, and 40-hour increments
- We collaborate and align on the focus of the work
- At the end of our work, we provide an accounting of activities
- Pay by credit card
- No further obligation
- First come, first served