
The Irony — Season 2, Episode 7

The Irony — Season 2, Episode 7

Have you ever done something nice for someone and been sued for it? It’s not a common occurrence. So when it happens, you start to question how you’re making decisions or how things went so wrong, not just legally. But, how can your goodwill, which is at your core as a human, be so exploited?

In this episode, Wil Reynolds tells a story that sheds light on his guiding principles and how they’ve helped him to reframe issues and make solid decisions in his growing business, Seer Interactive.

“This is just how I have managed the ups and downs of running a business with disappointments. Sometimes you have your heart stomped on a little bit by the people that you try to build up.” — Wil Reynolds

Yes, Wil gets his heart stomped on in the story, but he’s resilient, and while it was hard to immediately find the lessons in the story, they were there right in front of him all along.

Episode highlights:

  • [2:00] Meet Wil Reynolds
  • [4:00] The first time in Wil Reynolds’ life that he didn’t want to go to work
  • [6:00] Personal failure or business failure?
  • [8:00] The long pause
  • [11:00] It’s really hard to determine the lesson learned here
  • [14:00] “People are basically good, man. We just give all the attention to the assholes”
  • [18:00] “I’m making my mom proud.”

About our guest

Wil Reynolds, CEO and Vice President, Seer Interactive
Wil started Seer Interactive in 2002 as a one-man operation out of his living room. Today, Seer is home to over 200 team members across Philadelphia, San Diego, and Remote.

In his free time, Wil hangs out with his wife Nora, sons Rio and Niko, and serves Philadelphia’s homeless and runaway youth at Covenant House, where he participates in a yearly sleep out.

He has worked across every vertical, including pharmaceuticals and hospital systems to Ecommerce and SaaS. With over 15 years of experience doing and talking about digital marketing, he loves to speak at conferences about the future of search and tends to lead our agency into thinking through different lenses.

His pet projects these days revolve around using big data tools to look at search, how to bust silos between divisions, and helping tell the tough side of running a growing agency on his YouTube.

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